What I do

I help brands to listen, understand and engage in conversations in social media.


I help you understand the impact that social media is having on your organisation and work with you to implement the changes that need to be made as a result. I develop overall social media strategies, provide bespoke training, and advise on crisis planning and provide ad-hoc social media consultancy and advice.

Research & Insight

I help you listen to conversations throughout social media relevant to your brand, products, services, competitors and sector. Through conversation audits, influencer research or ongoing social media monitoring, I help you understand not just the volume and topics of these conversations, but more importantly, the underlying issues and sentiments, the influencers driving the conversations and what actions to take as a result.


I help you engage in social media by having meaningful conversations with people and igniting positive word of mouth. I do this through influencer campaigns, conversation platforms, advocacy programmes, community building and management, social applications, conversation response and reputation management.

In each of these areas, I combine my deep understanding of brands and marketing communications with strategic, creative and technology skills, underpinned with an innate sensibility for social media.

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